Do you have yellow jackets buzzing around your Saratoga property? If so, you may have a bigger problem than you think. In today’s article, we explore everything you need to know about these common pests, including how to prevent them from invading your property.
Facts About Yellow Jackets
Although many people think yellow jackets are one species of insect, there are actually many species of yellow jackets. They are all somewhat similar in appearance. While they vary in coloration, most yellow jackets have alternating black or brown and yellow stripes. They usually have thin waists.
When yellow jackets build nests, they often do so on eaves of homes or businesses, on trees, or in ground holes. Their nests look as if they are made of paper and can house large numbers of yellow jackets. As social insects, yellow jackets form large colonies that are hard to miss.
You’re most likely to see yellow jackets outside, but they do occasionally end up indoors. They may build a nest in your attic or travel into your home in search of food. In any case, you don’t want these bees to remain on your property!
Are Yellow Jackets Bad?
Yellow jackets are pollinators, but they aren’t as beneficial for plants as some other wasps and bees. Instead, they’re more revered for their insect-eating habits. By hunting and eating other insects, yellow jackets can protect your garden and keep other pests to a minimum. However, their presence comes at an expense. Yellow jackets are equipped with stingers and venom. Sometimes, people develop allergies to that venom. A sting could be fatal or result in serious medical complications.
You never know when you might develop an allergy to a yellow jacket sting. Furthermore, individuals who aren’t allergic still suffer. Stings cause pain and swelling, and multiple stings can be harmful to someone with no allergies. Due to their large colonies and their ability to sting multiple times, yellow jackets have the potential to cause you and anyone else on your property harm.
Methods Of Yellow Jacket Prevention
All it takes is one yellow jacket nest to cause problems for your household or your businesses. Before you find a nest, you should take the following preventative measures:
- Inspect For Nests
Walk around your property and look for yellow jacket nests. Check under your rafters, in your eaves, on your trees, and in ground holes. You might notice a nest before it’s finished. If so, contact a pest control professional and have them remove the nest. By attempting to remove a nest on your own, you put yourself in danger. - Keep Your Yard Maintained
Your yard could be appealing to yellow jackets. Typically, they are attracted to yards that have thick vegetation with plenty of insects. By keeping your yard well-maintained, you may be able to deter yellow jackets. This means pruning your trees and shrubs and keeping vegetation to a minimum. - Keep Gardens Away From Your Structures
You don’t need to say goodbye to your garden. Because yellow jackets only pose a threat if they are near you, they should be kept away from your home. This means building your garden as far from your house and other structures as possible. - Store Trash Properly
Insects are attracted to open garbage cans. And where there are insects, there are yellow jackets. To keep insects away, store your trash in sealed containers. - Use On-Going Professional Services
To keep yellow jackets away from your property, rely on professional assistance. An on-going treatment can prevent and eliminate yellow jackets from your property. Don’t try to get rid of a nest or handle yellow jacket prevention alone.
Instead, contact Old School Pest Control.