Termites can be active all year, so they really have no specific season. As long as there is a warm climate, termites can be active. When you hear the phrase “termite season,” we’re referring to those times when termites can be seen swarming. The timing of this varies from one state to another because of temperatures. The warmer the weather, the more likely it is you will see termites swarming. Termite season in Saratoga County is typically between March and May. It’s very important to know that you don’t have to see termites swarming for them to do damage to your property. In this article, we’ll take a look at what swarming means, and help you find out if your Saratoga County home is ready for termite season.
What Does Swarming Mean?
Swarming begins as the weather starts to warm up. Termites begin swarm to start new colonies. When a colony of termites matures, it produces nymphs that will themselves become swarmers ready to start new termite colonies. Swarmers will move from one colony to the next in search of a mate. Once a swarmer has mated, its wings will drop off. Finding these wings is a sign you likely have a termite infestation. After mating, the females become queen for a new colony of termites. The queen lays eggs (as many as 40 million a day) that hatch and produce workers for the new colony. Some of the newborn termites are soldiers, who protect the queen and the colony. The lifespan of a termite is typically one or two years, during which time a queen can lay up to a million eggs. Seeing a swarm is almost always one of the first signs you’ll see when you have a termite infestation.
How Destructive Are Termites?
Termites have been called “silent destroyers.” Because they are highly destructive often without the knowledge of the homeowners. Termites cause structural damage to your home because they can chew through flooring, walls, wallpaper, and all types of wood. The most destructive termite species is the subterranean termites. These termites will eat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, easily tearing through a foot of wood every few months. Termites are responsible for damage to over a half-million homes every year, with an estimated cost of 5 billion dollars.
Can I Protect My Saratoga County Home from Termites?
If you want to protect your Saratoga County home from termites, there are steps you can take to do it. Here are a few:
- Get rid of all instances of wood-to-soil contact.
- Eliminate or reduce moisture and humidity in your home and around the foundation.
- Keep stacks of firewood away from your home or out of crawlspaces.
- Keep gutters free of debris. Trim trees that overhang your home.
- Avoid using mulch near your home.
Termites are attracted to moisture, rotting wood, grass, wet leaves, mulch, and moisture. Even leaky pipes can be cause for termites to invade your home. Outside lights near the home can attract swarmers, almost as an invitation to build a colony. Keeping outside lights away from the home or turned off when not needed can help keep termites from being attracted to your home.
Get Professional Pest Control Help When You Have Termites
If you suspect you have termites in your Saratoga County home, it’s time to call in professional pest control experts. We know how to eliminate the pests in your home. Old School Pest Control in Saratoga County can help you rid your home of termites today. Our experts have the knowledge and the means to help. Call us today and ask for a quote. Don’t let termites eat their way through your home. Call Old School Pest Control today.